AutoSlash is Still Slashin’ Rentals

Why walk from the airport, over the river and through the woods for MeeMaw's roast beast? If you need some wheels, check out the free AutoSlash rental...

$50 Bonus from TradeKing

Now through Halloween (all of October), open a new TradeKing account and get a $50 bonus when you fund it with $3,000 in cash or...

I want my MTV, or… 80 Bucks!!

I just got $80 off DirecTV because of the Viacom kerfuffle.  As you may know, Viacom pulled its channels off DirecTV, while they try...

Money Hack – Paper or Plastic?

You can benefit GREATLY, as I have, doing as little as you want. I am happy to help! Look over to the right side of...

Arbitrage !!

Get Free Money: 0% Balance Transfer cards with No Transfer Fee: Chase Slate (15 months) Look over to the right side of this page at...

2011 Review: My Pappy, PODs and TODs

I wanna recap some 2011 Highlights:  My father passed away.  Wait, what?  Allow me to rephrase.  My pappy passed away in 2011, but we had...

SAG and The City

SAG tip: Hey "Show-Folk".  You can thank Reader Rona for this.  Flash your Screen Actors Guild card for discounts at a slew of places.  Some eye-catchers: 20% off...

Karen & Kevin Testify!

> Apply for Continental's card or apply for United's card & get 30,000 free miles (enough for a free round trip ticket) with just one purchase (any...

Where Art Thou, Stocks & IRAs?

I have accounts at ALL of the following Brokerage Houses, which are all SIPC insured. Here are some of their current, great promotional offers: ...

AutoSlash: Rental Car Search Engine

Why walk from the airport, over the river and through the woods for Grammy's Christmas roast beast?  If you need an inexpensive rental car, check out AutoSlash. Plug...

PodCASHt: Comedian Jimmy Pardo on Monetizing his Podcast and more …

Subscribe: at iTunes Comedian Jimmy Pardo is my very first guest on the ChipsMoneyTips Podcast, or should I say, PodCASHt? Jimmy talks about financial challenges...

Think INK — (it don’t stink)

> The IRS definition of a Sole Proprietor > AmazonPayments Amazon WebPay charges No Fees to send money using a credit card > PayPal's Fee structure > Will your credit score drop...

My 1st “Call To Action” !!!

They checked our mate; parried our thrust; upped our jig!  As of now, "officially" you can only get the bonus on one card -...

Aspiring Loan Shark or Shark-ee?

> Click on the ads below, or on these links to learn more about Loaning and Borrowing at Lending Club Video Transcript: Welcome to ChipsMoneyTips.  I’m Chip...

Toaster Schmoaster… I want my Free 24 inch HD Monitor!!

*** The terms have changed: Now you need to open the account with $10K, and make 15 commissionable trades within 90 days after funding...

$75 free… Lickity Split !!

UPDATE for 2013 --- ING DIRECT is now Capital One 360. 360 Checking (formerly Electric Orange) 360 Savings (formerly Orange Savings) 360 Kids Savings (formerly Kids Savings) 360 Money...

Stop The Bleeding – 0% !!!

Update: This card is no longer.  Check out the new Discover it card. I use and suggest FNBO Direct Online Savings and Online BillPay to get high...

Avoiding the P-word

ChipsMoneyTips was named "Website Winner" in the 2011 video contest held by GetRichSlowly Entries had to be under two minutes, so I submitted my split...

You need a Mint (.com that is)

> Click here to check out > Founder Aaron Patzer Explains How to Use > is Trusted, safe and secure Video Transcript: Welcome to...

$1,120 in Free Gift Cards from Capital One

************** OFFER ENDED ************** April 5, 2011 ************************ > 50,000 Free Continental/United Frequent Flyer Miles > Make your own PDF with freeware PDF Creator > Charity Navigator Click on "Chip's Favorite Credit...

A Very Special… ChipsMoneyTips

> Larry Chinery - Lights... Camera... Karaoke! > 50,000 Frequent Flyer Mile offer on Continental/United > AutoSlash > Mother May I... Avoid Probate I > Mother May I... Avoid Probate...

5 Free Songs on iTunes

Offer expires March 15, 2011 > American Express offer for 5 Free Songs on iTunes > Chip stand-up CD "You Might Be A Redhead" on iTunes >...

50,000 Free Miles on Continental/United

Unfortunately, this offer ended May 15, 2011. Click on "Chip's Favorite Credit Card Offers" at the top right side of this website for up-to-date deals, terms, and...

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