A Very Special… ChipsMoneyTips


> Larry Chinery – Lights… Camera… Karaoke!
> 50,000 Frequent Flyer Mile offer on Continental/United
> AutoSlash
> Mother May I… Avoid Probate I
> Mother May I… Avoid Probate II – Electric Boogaloo
> Mother May I… Avoid Probate III – The Search For Spock

Click on “Chip’s Favorite Credit Card Offers” at the top right side of this website for up-to-date deals, terms, and conditions on these cards and more.  Email me if you have any questions about which card might be right for your situation.

Video Transcript:
Hello, I’m Chip Chinery  and Welcome to a Very Special… ChipsMoneyTips.  This is very special ChipsMoneyTip because I took a brief hiatus from posting videos.  You see, my dad got sick and he died.  Mmm.  He got the Big C as he would call it.  And we all know cancer is a jerk.  He figured if Farrah couldn’t beat it, what chance did my dad have?  He loved her in Logan’s Run.

My dad was a great guy, a fun loving guy.  After retiring, he got into karaoke about 10 years ago, and would do it 3-4 times a week.  Milli Vanilli had nothin’ on him.  If you are watching this at ChipsMoneyTips, there will be a link right below this to take you to a clip of my pappy in better days appearing on a little something I like to call “Lights Camera Karaoke!”

How my dad’s death is somehow a money tip is this:  One day, I got a 7:45am call from a nurse saying that if I wanted to see my dad before he died, I should get on a plane asap.  When you get that call, as many of us do or will, there is no need to go broke on last minute airfare.  With a little planning, you can be prepared.  As my dad would say, “Learn from my example – both good and bad”.  Here is what happened to me:

I jumped online to see that flights were running about $1,000.  But I could use frequent flyer miles – just 25,000 for a nonstop flight.  Done.  A thousand bucks saved.  3 hours later I was in the air.

You should have Frequent Flyer miles at your disposal for just such an occasion.  I have done a couple videos about a great offer from Chase & Continental.  Those miles came in handy.  Now Continental, which has merged with United, has an AMAZING new offer of 50,000 FF miles.  You can see more about that offer by clicking on the link below this video at ChipsMoneyTips.com.

Next, I jumped on my favorite rental car site, AutoSlash.com.  I did a Goofus and Gallant-esque video about them.  They got me a rental car for 18 bucks a day.  When I landed, I turned on my phone to find an email from them.  AutoSlash did that thing they do shaved another $44 off my total!  I have had nothing but great experiences with AutoSlash.  Jonathan, when your company starts making commercials, I wanna do them.

As I drove from the airport to see my Dad, I was happy to know that we had already taken care of Estate planning.  I vlogged about what to do in Mother My I Avoid Probate 1, 2, and 3 (show videos).  Estate Planning is a fancy name for something that is easy to do and should be done by anyone over 18.  That simple and free planning saved my Dad’s estate, which means me and my sisters, over $12K.

And if you are so inclined, enjoy the dulcet tones of Larry, The Big Bopper, Chinery…


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