Pill-Poppers, Listen Up!


pills_prescription_drugsAre you a Pill-Popper?  Do you wanna get drugs from across the border, but don’t wanna keester them?  Have you been invited to a weekly neighborhood skittles party, but find it financially challenging keeping up with the Jones’ joneses?

I’m talkin’ prescription drugs, junkie!  Not the stuff you get from The Green Cross.

Prescription drugs can be expensive here in the good ole US of A.  If you have insurance and/or buy generic, you may be fine.  Still, there is a place you might wanna check out: PharmacyChecker.comStacy Johnson did some great reporting in his story below.

Bottom line, it is illegal to get prescription drugs from outside the country, but it’s unlikely that anything will come of it if you are using them for yourself.  Stacy pressed the FDA on this legality issue and they replied, “FDA is not aware of any actions taken against an individual resulting from their purchase of small quantities of unapproved drugs for personal use.”  Do with this what you will.

Remember, if you order from a pharmacy outside the U.S., use a credit card that does not charge any Foreign Transaction Fees to save a few bucks.  Because, well, you are buying from foreigners.


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