$75 free… Lickity Split !!


Click here to start saving with ING DIRECT!

UPDATE for 2013 — ING DIRECT is now Capital One 360.

360 Checking (formerly Electric Orange)
360 Savings (formerly Orange Savings)
360 Kids Savings (formerly Kids Savings)
360 Money for Teens (formerly Money)

> Earn a $50 bonus when you open an Electric Orange℠ checking account from ING DIRECT.
> Ask me for a referral to Orange Savings:  chip@chipsmoneytips.com
> Click here to open Orange Savings Account without a referral
> ING DIRECT is FDIC Insured

Video Transcript:
Uber Model Linda Evangelista once said “I don’t wake up for less than $10,000 a day.”  Well, neither should you.  So long as you’ll accept 75 bucks.

Jump on the online.  Make sure you are watching this at ChipsMoneyTips.com.  Right underneath this video, click on the ING Direct Electric Orange ad that is just below this video.  Doing that will get you the free $50 offer.

As you may know, ING Direct is an FDIC insured online bank.  They have no branches.
(Cut to Pancho Pete appearing on pillow next to me)  “Branches, we don’t need no stinking branches.”

Oh look everyone it’s Pancho Pete, the Patron Saint of Online banking.  “We don’t need no stinking branches.”  Yes, you already said that.  Thanks for stopping by Pancho Pete.  (he disappears).

1. Click on the link below this video
2. Open an Electric Orange account.
When you get your ING Direct Electric Orange card in the mail, all you have to do is
3. Make 3 card purchases within 45 days of opening your account.  Your $50 bonus will be automatically deposited on Day 50.

Might as well sign up from your bed – because there are no branches.
(Pancho Pete comes back)  “Branches – we don’t need no stinking branches”

What about the other $25???  You can get an additional $25 if you open up an ING Direct Orange Savings Account before you open up the ING Direct Electric Orange account.  Those are different types of accounts.  The catch is that you can only get the $25 for opening up the ING Orange Savings Account if you are a brand new customer to ING.  And you must get referred by someone who already has an ING Direct Orange Savings account – like me.   If you jump ahead and just open an Electric Orange account, you cannot go back and get $25 for opening the Orange Savings account.

My advice:  If you have $250 that you can leave in an ING Direct Orange Savings account for a month – $250 for 30 days is that account’s requirement to get the $25 bonus, I suggest you shoot an email to me for a referral – chip@chipsmoneytips.com and open the Orange Savings account first.

Then, right after you do that, click on the Electric Orange ad below this video at ChipsMoneyTips.com and get the $50 sign up bonus!

Remember – You aren’t leaving your current bank accounts.  You are just trying out these ING Direct bank accounts.  They can coexist.  You don’t pour out all your Pepsi Products when you want to try a Coke product.  ING Direct simply wants to give you $50 and $25 for trying out these accounts.  Heck, if you wanted, you could close your ING Direct accounts after you get your bonuses.

ING Direct Orange Savings referrals are limited to 50, so please only request a referral if you are going to open an account with $250 and leave it for 30 days.  Once you have an Orange Savings account, you can make $500 by referring up to 50 of your friends ($10 to you $25 to them).  So, go tell your friends, family, co-workers, and so on…

Otherwise, just open the Electric Orange account by clicking on the ad beneath this video.

If you open both accounts, you’ll be $75 richer (throwing singles in the air) and potentially $575 richer if you refer up to 50 of your friends.   Hurry up and ask for a referral before I get Pancho Pete in here and reenact the Demi Moore scene from Indecent Proposal.  Oh, I love money… (Branches… we don’t need)


  1. As my mom said when I was a high school, “Always carry a quarter in your wallet in case you need to make a phone call.” What that has to do with a possible sale of ING Direct, I haven’t clue. I suppose we will all find out together if ING is sold and whether or not the new owners change anything. Hopefully they wanna buy ING because they like it, and nothing will change.

  2. My mom always told me to keep a condom in my wallet when I was in high school. Haha.. Helllllo Chip!!


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