Xoom – Not Just For Drug Mules


Are you a drug mule who needs to send money to the Kingpin, ASAP?  Do you owe your Coyote some scratch for hitching a ride in the glove box of his ‘72 Ford LTD Country Squire station wagon?  Or are you going to visit a friend in a foreign land and simply want some cash to play with once you are there?  I say Xoom it, baby!!

You could wire funds to accounts in other countries, but as those who have done it know, that’s kinda pricey.  Wells Fargo said that an international wire is $45 plus an exchange rate.

Xoom works just like a wire transfer, but costs as little as $4.99 and has locked-in exchange rates.  Check out the sending limits.  You can send $2,999 – $9,999 per day, to 33 countries.  Click here to open a free account.



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