Keith Partridge: “I Think I Owe You!”


I Think I Love You card2David Cassidy filed for bankruptcy.  According to the LA Times article, he has about $10 million in assets and about the same in debt – including $39K in credit cards, $292K in mortgage and $131K in attorney, medical and other bills.

I feel for the guy.  When I’m 64, I Think I Owe You certainly ain’t the song I wanna be singing.  Too on the nose?  How ‘bout: I Woke Up In Debt This Morning, or one of the deeper cuts, Point Me In The Direction of a Bankruptcy.  Those are the titles, Weird Al.  Go nuts!

Let’s get past the fact that I know lyrics to Partridge Family songs and get to the important stuff.  Whatever your profession, the rule is very simple:  Spend less than you bring in.  Set some aside to splurge.  Save some for when you’re no longer in demand.


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