$50 Gift Card with Rachio Wireless Sprinkler Timer Through May 29th


Remember that great wireless sprinkler timer that had rebates up to $300 that I wrote about here?  Well, if you buy it by May 29th you will also get a $50 gift card.  The $50 gift card offer is available through Amazon, Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowe’s and Rachio.

I purchased mine months ago, but just did a test drive of what the checkout process looks like on Amazon: Choose the 8 or 16 Zone with Gift Card:



Here’s what my cart looks like.  Notice that the gift card is bundled with the sprinkler timer:

The rebate caps at $200 here in Los Angeles.  So… at the end of the day it is free!  I assume the $50 gift card will not eat into your $200-$300 rebate, but I do not have first hand knowledge of that.  FYI: I got the Rachio Generation 2 (8 zone).  They also have a Rachio Generation 2 (16 zone) for sprawling estates.


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