Up To $300 Off A WiFi Sprinkler Timer


Do you have sprinklers that run on a timer?  You can get back up to $300 if replace your existing irrigation controller (aka “sprinkler timer”) with one you control from your smartphone, tablet or computer from anywhere in the world.

The rebate caps at $200 here in Los Angeles.  No worries – the timer costs less.  So… at the end of the day it is free!  I got the Rachio Generation 2 (8 zone).  They also have a Rachio Generation 2 (16 zone) for sprawling estates.

These new-fangled Wi-Fi irrigation controllers tap into local weather stations to automatically adjust your watering schedule.  It won’t water before, during or after it rains – unless you override that feature.

I’m not one to dabble in “lawn-srachio-logohaming”.  Many of my neighbors waste a lot of money leaving their sprinklers on all winter.  I used to be one of those folks.  Now I leave mine off from November – March. Read my post It’s Not Water, It’s H20 for the why.

Installation is simple.  Take old timer off the wall and put the new one in its place.

I went with the Rachio Generation 2 because it had all the bells and whistles and was EPA Water Sense Certified – a requirement for the rebate.  It requires a smart phone to set it up.  It’s also made in USA.

Find your Rachio rebate nationwide.

Reader Jennifer lives in SoCal and has been looking for just this sorta thang.  Unfortunately, it can be confusing.

If you click on Find your Rachio rebate nationwide and then click on “$200 in Rebates” and then “More Info” you will be taken to this page which will tell you that the rebate is $80.  That is the base rebate upon which other utility companies, like LADWP add funds.  In this case, LADWP adds $120 to the $80 = $200 rebate.

So… if you click on Find your Rachio rebate nationwide and then click on “$200 in Rebates”.  Once there, click on the text link Los Angeles Department of Water & Power:

watermoreinfobutton3-jpgThen click “Landscaping & Irrigation” to see the $200 rebate:
See my chat with April at SoCal Water$mart:






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