“Amazon Tax” Hits California THIS Saturday


I recently joined the 21st Century with my Amazon purchase of an HDTV.  Because there was no sales tax, I saved almost $100.

Of course, like you, I will voluntarily pay that to the State of California when I do my 2012 taxes.  We all do that, right?

Back to reality: Because California Sales Tax starts at 7.25% and goes as high as 9.75% – that’s a heckuva nice savings.  As of Saturday, that will officially go bye-bye.  So if you Californians have something to buy at Amazon, do it before Saturday.

Read all about it in The Sacramento Bee.  Amazon has made deals in the past year to collect sales taxes in eight more states, bringing the total to 13.

California: Begins on Saturday
Nevada: Begins in 2014
New Jersey: Begins in July 2013
Pennsylvania: Began on Sept. 1
South Carolina: Begins in 2016
Tennessee: Begins in 2014
Texas: Began on July 1
Virginia: Begins in September 2013


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