The gravy train has stopped. My 36 month Step-Up CD was getting 4% at Darby. Alas, The Man shut them down Friday. Ameris Bank took them over and dropped my CD rate from 4% to .25%. I spoke to both Ameris & Darby CSRs. Both confirmed the rate drop. If you have money at Darby, click here for Darby Direct’s Certificate of Deposit Withdrawal Request Form-PDF. Fill one out for each CD and have the funds transferred into your Darby Online Savings account – where it will earn 1%. The Darby CSR said that they will do a wire transfer for $15 to move your funds elsewhere.
In addition to the CD Withdrawal form that has been linked, you can get a Wire Transfer request form and others at
Forgot to mention, if faxing the Wire Transfer form, you must have your signature notorized.