$500 Tax-Free Paying Your Property Tax


propertytaxscrabble-smTwice a year I have to pay property tax.
Twice a year I make $500 paying that tax.

How?  Twice a year I get a new credit card that will give me a $500-$600 tax-free bonus if I spend $4,000-5,000 on the card in the first three months I have it.  These cards and their bonuses are not limited to paying property tax.

I mention “property tax” because that can meet the spending requirement quickly!  Then you can get on with your life – spending that free $500-$600!!

What are these cards of which I speak, you say?  Three come to mind.  Two I can’t mention in this post, as per the bank.  But I am happy to tell you what they are if you send me an email asking for the scoop.

The one I can mention is the “Capital One Spark Cash for Business”.  Check out 20 Minutes=$592.23 Cash Rewards for how I did it last March.

If you’d like to find out more, click on this little widgetty thing right below:

Email me if you have any questions. Full disclosure: I may get a commission if you apply using my widgetty thing, so… Thanks!


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