How I Made $490 (in 10 Minutes) Paying My Property Taxes


PropertyTaxScrabble+490smIf you are a homeowner, here’s a way to make tax-free dough paying your property taxes.  With just a few clicks and about 10 minutes of my time, I cleared $490 tax-free.

In Los Angeles, my property taxes are due April 10th.  Instead of writing a check, I paid my bill with a credit card that gave me a BIG BONUS for meeting the BONUS’ spending requirement. It’s all about the BONUS, my friend.

CapOneSpark$500BonusThe “Capital One Spark Cash for Business” card pays a bonus of $500 in tax-free cash if one spends $4,500 on it in the first 3 months the card is open.  It also pays 2% cash back on purchases.  So, meeting the $4,500 spending requirement will get me another $90.  That’s $590.  FYI: The cashback is tax-free because it is technically a rebate.

Click on “Chip’s Favorite Credit Card Offers” at the top right side of this website. Then click “Business Cards” for this card.  Email me if you have any questions.

$4,500 is a lot of cheddar.  So is my property tax bill.  I paid it with the card at the City’s Website.  Normally, I would NOT suggest using a credit card to pay these taxes because there is a 2.1% fee + $5.95.  But this card’s 2% cashback covers most of that and my property taxes are high enough to meet the spending requirement in a just a few clicks!

In my case, $4,500 in property tax will have fees totaling $100.  That leaves me clearing $490 tax-free!


If you don’t have property taxes to dump on this card to meet the spending requirement (and get your $500 tax free bonus) in a few clicks, read my post 11 Ways to Meet a Spending Requirement.

If are like me and don’t work under a legal entity, you can still get this business card.  Check out how: How To Fill Out A Business Card Application

If all this sounds familiar, this is my 3rd Spark Biz card since June.  I have one for my acting biz, landlording biz and blogging biz.  I got the BIG BONUS on each one.  How you doin’?

If your taxes are due soon, you still have time to get this card.  Click on “Chip’s Favorite Credit Card Offers” at the top right side of this website. Then click “Business Cards” for this card.  Email me if you have any questions.


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