It’s That Time Again…


That’s right. It’s time to cancel NFL Sunday Ticket – so you can have a chance to get it free this season.

If you had NFL Sunday ticket last season, even if you got it free, DirecTV will automatically charge you full price for it for the upcoming season when your August bill drops. Maybe they already have! Check your statement.

To avoid this, you need to pick up the phone (1-800-531-5000) and cancel it.

Having it on your account disqualifies you for the possibility to get it free next season. So… cancel it!

FYI: The first full slate of NFL regular games is Sunday, September 8th. Like a good pusher, DirecTV always gives you NFL Sunday Ticket that first week. They hope that free football fix will tempt you into subscribing.

Sunday, September 15th is when you really want to have NFL Sunday Ticket activated in your account. So even if they already charged your account for 2019, you have time to get it refunded and removed from your account – and then get it free.

I’ll give you some tips on how I got it for free for several years in a future post. But for now, call them (1-800-531-5000) and cancel it.


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