New Year’s To Do List #5 – Get a 0% Balance Transfer Card


“YOLO” is your credo. Over the past two months, you shopped, merried and rang your credit card to its limit. The card’s been swiped so much the stripe on the back is hot to the touch.

You’d like to pay off the card to avoid paying interest, but you’re out of cash. YOLO!!! Yes, I remember. Please don’t shout. You Only Live Once – so why cramp your style digging yourself a hole paying 10, 15, 25% interest on your purchases?

If you are a YOLO dude or dudette, don’t start the New Year paying interest on a credit card. That is soooo 2018. You need a new card that allows you to transfer your current balance onto it. You can save yourself hundreds to thousands, depending upon what kind of hot mess you YOLO’d yourself into.

balance-transfer2Think about it. Carrying a $5,000 balance on your credit card at 10% interest is $500 a year that you are wasting.

Here’s the nitty-gritty on how you can STOP paying interest for the next 15-21 months. It is very easy!

You apply for a 0% balance transfer credit card, and have them move your current card’s balance over to the new 0% card. To keep the 0% rate on the new card for the term, all you have to do is pay the minimum amount due every month. Done and done!

Click on this li’l widgetty display thingy right here to check out the best cards:

Email me if you have any questions. Full disclosure: I may get a commission if you apply using my link, so… Thanks! Don’t cancel your old card. YOLO!!!!!!!!!


Yolo image sparklers


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