How To Cancel MyFico Free Trial



I shamelessly pimped my TV appearance in my post “Arsenio Says Bad Credit = Soul”, as a way to tell you how to get your free FICO score.

15 Point Drop –  Two years ago, I got my free FICO from  Last time I had 798 at EquiFax.  This time I had 783.  Why the 15 point drop?  Over those two years, I refinanced two properties and got TWELVE new credit cards.  I blame recent credit inquiries.  10 of the 12 new cards were obtained in the past six months, and got me almost 400,000 bonus points/miles.

What can I say?  I am a rewards whore-der.  My score will come back up soon.

If you want to cancel your free trial at after getting your score, here’s how.

Step One:  Sign into your MyFico accountFico-Login-MemberCenter - 1

Step Two: Once in, look to the far right and click on “My Subscriptions”Fico-MemberCenter-MySubs

Step Three:  Click “Cancel subscription”Fico-MemberCenter-UnSub

Step Four:  Confirm cancellationFico-MemberCenter-UnSubConf


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